Union Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurated the four-laning of the Kamakshyanagar-Duburi section of NH-53 in Bhubaneswar. Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik and Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan were also present at the event.
Additionally, Shah laid the foundation stone for widening and strengthening another highway project from Moter to Banner via Ludugaon Road in Kalahandi district.
During his speech, Shah expressed gratitude to the Odisha government and Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik. He mentioned that the central government has allocated Rs 761 crore for the four-laning of the 51 km National Highway connecting Kamakshyanagar and Duburi.
Shah emphasized that this road will play a crucial role in connecting the mineral-rich Angul and Dhenkanal districts to the National Highway, thereby boosting the economy of the region. The project includes two major bridges, 10 minor bridges, seven vehicle underpasses, two animal underpasses, and a 1.73 km-long bypass road.