In a profound gesture honoring the legacy of Lord Sri Ram, Shadnagar MLA Veerlapalli Shankar spearheaded the Jana Samparka Abhiyan program, orchestrated by the Sri Rama Janmabhoomi Tirtha Kshetra Trust. This initiative is envisioned to propagate the revered Akshintalu of Lord Ram from its origin in Ayodhya to every household in India.
Addressing a fervent gathering at the local Sri Venkateswara Swamy temple, MLA Veerlapalli Shankar extolled the governance principles of Sri Ram as a paragon for today’s society. He accentuated the program’s importance, advocating for governmental institutions to internalize and reflect Lord Sri Ram’s principles of justice and moral rectitude. Shankar also celebrated the spiritual potency inherent in the chanting of Sri Ram’s name and took pride in his involvement in the monumental task of erecting the Sri Ram temple in Ayodhya.
Former MLA Choulapalli Pratap Reddy resonated with Shankar’s reverence, articulating that the essence of Sri Rama Mandir should permeate every household. He heralded Lord Ram as a luminary of truth and righteousness, reinforcing India’s historical tapestry enriched by the benevolence of Sri Ram.
The event was graced by the presence of esteemed leaders such as Bandaru Ramesh, Srivardhan Reddy, Ande Babaiah, and other representatives from the BJP. In a gesture of profound devotion, these dignitaries partook in the ceremonial act of adorning akshintals on their foreheads, signifying a spiritual tribute to various sacred shrines across the nation.