The BJP organized the Vijaya Sankalpa Yatra, which included a roadshow from Serilingampally Assembly Nanakramguda to Miyapur Alwin Colony Square followed by a large public meeting at Hafiz Pate Division Alwin Colony. Chief guests at the event included Parliament Incharge Mallareddy, Prabari Srinivas, Assembly Convenor Raghavendra Rao, and other BJP leaders.
Speaking at the event, Consted MLA Ravikumar Yadav emphasized the importance of the Modi government in achieving development for the country and upliftment of marginalized communities. He highlighted the positive response from the public towards the welfare schemes initiated by Prime Minister Modi, expressing confidence in his ability to secure another term as the country’s leader in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
The Yatra is one of five being held in Telangana as part of BJP’s nationwide victory yatras, attracting thousands of people, including youth and farmers. The event was attended by state leaders, district leaders, division leaders, activists, and members of various fronts. The public’s enthusiasm and support for Modi’s leadership indicate a strong desire for his re-election as prime minister, with high expectations for a successful outcome in the next parliamentary elections.