Telangana Panchayat Raj Minister Seethakka asked the Union Panchayat Raj Minister for money to build permanent buildings. She met with the Union Minister in New Delhi on Tuesday. Seethakka praised the Union Minister for taking on his new role and hoped he would help improve rural areas. She explained that Telangana has many Gram Panchayats but many don’t have permanent buildings, making it hard to provide good services.
Seethakka pointed out that out of 12,769 Gram Panchayats in Telangana, over half don’t have permanent buildings. She told the Union Minister that it’s difficult for Gram Panchayats to do their job properly without a proper building. She asked for Rs 1,544 crore in funds to help build permanent buildings for these Gram Panchayats.
The Union Minister agreed to provide the necessary funds for the construction of these buildings. This will help improve public services in villages and develop infrastructure.