Warangal: Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Minister Danasari Anasuya, also known as Seethakka, said that the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has become more active since the Congress came into power. She mentioned that the TSPSC is now filling job vacancies that have been open for several years.
Seethakka was speaking at a meeting held for recently promoted language teachers at the TTD Kalyanamandapam in Hanumakonda on Sunday. She highlighted that the Congress government has recruited around 15,000 constables and 1,637 engineers. She also noted that the government conducted the District Selection Committee (DSC) exams and filled 11,067 teacher positions.
Seethakka criticized the BRS government, saying that during its ten years in power, it did not conduct a single DSC exam. She accused the BRS of causing problems for young people by leaking TSPSC exam papers.
Furthermore, Seethakka claimed that BRS leaders were encouraging unemployed youth to create unrest against the government. She reassured the youth that the Congress was committed to fulfilling its promises and warned them not to believe the false claims made by opposition parties.
At the event, Seethakka congratulated the language teachers on their promotions and urged them to contribute to the development of the state. She also released a patriotic song by Poloju Srihari.