The government successfully provided amenities at the Medaram festival, according to Panchayat Raj Minister Danasari Anasuya, also known as Seethakka. She spoke at a press conference on the final day of the festival, highlighting the hard work put in to make it a success.
Seethakka mentioned that the Congress government didn’t have much time to prepare for the festival due to previous heavy rains. Despite this, around 1.35 crore devotees attended the festival over four days, showcasing its growing popularity among both tribal and non-tribal communities.
The TSRTC operated over 10,000 bus trips to accommodate the large number of visitors, and officials were able to reunite over 5,000 missing persons with their families. Seethakka acknowledged some traffic issues during the festival and promised to address them in the future.
Sanitation staff will continue cleaning up the festival grounds for another 10 days, and a review meeting will be held to gather feedback from citizens for future improvements. The focus will be on ensuring permanent facilities rather than temporary arrangements.
Other officials present at the press conference included Mulugu district collector Ila Tripathi, superintendent of police Sabarish, and ITDA PO Ankith.