Minister Danasari Anasuya, also known as Seethakka, inaugurated a new computer lab at Chalwai Model School in Govindaraopet mandal, Mulugu. The lab was funded by Mauritech IT company as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative.
Later, she also opened a 25-day tailoring training centre for Self-Help Group (SHG) women at Chalwai. This training centre was established with support from Usha International Ltd.
In her speech, Seethakka highlighted the government’s recent efforts to resolve long-standing issues for teachers. She praised the Chief Minister for addressing promotions and transfers, and mentioned that around 11,000 teaching positions were filled within just 60 days, which she called a significant achievement.
Seethakka also acknowledged the late Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for his vision in setting up model schools. She said that major corporate companies were being invited to Mulugu to support modern education and computer learning in the district. The minister expressed her commitment to leading the district toward progress and encouraged the development of qualities such as enthusiasm, courage, and respect. She also urged people to show compassion toward the underprivileged.