The Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development, D Anasuya (Seethakka), announced that the State government will celebrate the biennial ‘Medaram Jatara’ on a large scale. The festival will take place in Medaram village of Mulugu district in February 2024. During a review meeting, the Minister discussed various arrangements such as sanitation, roads, electricity, drinking water, bathing ghats, and facilities for devotees. She directed the officials to ensure that all these arrangements are in place for the festival.
Seethakka stated that the State government will once again request the Union government to grant national status to the ‘Medaram Jatara’. If funds are sanctioned by the Centre, the State government will be able to organize the festival on a grander scale.
She also instructed the ITDA officials to hold a review meeting at Eturunagaram in the upcoming week and expedite the preparations for the celebrations.