Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy met with former AICC president Sonia Gandhi in the Parliament House on Tuesday. He discussed his government’s performance in the last six months and the potential change of TPCC president. The Chief Minister was accompanied by newly elected Congress MPs from Telangana, and the issue of cabinet expansion was briefly mentioned during the meeting.
Revanth Reddy’s term as TPCC chief is ending soon, and there are speculations that state Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Minister Seetakka may take over. Seetakka, a close confidant of Revanth Reddy, was present at the meeting with Sonia Gandhi. Revanth also shared details of the plan to implement a farm loan waiver scheme by August 15 and expressed his desire for a public meeting with Sonia Gandhi in attendance.
The discussion also touched upon recent admissions of leaders from BRS into the Congress party, including MLAs and MLCs. Sonia Gandhi reportedly approved an aggressive approach to attract rival party leaders before the budget session of the Assembly.