Hyderabad: The Secunderabad Club colonnade, a beloved and historic establishment, has reopened its doors after a devastating fire reduced it to ruins on January 16, 2022. The fire, believed to have started from a short circuit, destroyed the structure, interior, and treasured artifacts of the club. However, the colonnade has made a triumphant return, bringing a renewed sense of energy and excitement.
An anonymous club member said that the reconstruction efforts do not capture the true essence and historical significance of the once-iconic establishment. Anuradha Reddy, a prominent heritage conservationist and third-generation member of the club, mentioned that although the fire caused irreversible loss, some granite and original cast iron pillars survived. These pillars represent the built heritage of the Secunderabad Club colonnade, while everything else has been reconstructed using modern materials.
The colonnade was recognized as a heritage awardee by the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) in 1999. The fire resulted in the loss of irreplaceable antique furniture and silver commemorative objects. Anuradha Reddy also expressed personal loss, as she lost her late father’s cherished armchair.
The magnificent cast iron pillars that adorn the club were crafted by Richardson and Cruddas of Byculla, Bombay, a renowned heavy engineering company established in the 1880s. These pillars showcase the remarkable craftsmanship and attention to detail of a bygone era, reflecting the rich heritage of the establishment.