The Bharat Gaurav Tourist Train from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh left Secunderabad station on Tuesday with all seats booked. Three more trips are scheduled for this summer, with the third on April 29, the fourth on May 13, and the fifth on May 27. The train, named Punya Kshetra Yatra/Ganga Pushkaralu Yatra: Puri – Kasi – Ayodhya, covers important and historical places in Puri, Konark, Gaya, Varanasi, Ayodhya, and Prayagraj over eight nights and nine days.
The train offers all travel facilities, such as rail and road transport, accommodation, and catering arrangements. It includes both AC and non-AC coaches to meet the demands of rail passengers. The General Manager of South Central Railway (SCR), Arun Kumar Jain, said that the train offers a unique opportunity for pilgrim passengers to visit culturally prominent places without the hassle of planning individual itinerary items.
Tourist operators are encouraged to utilize the Bharat Gaurav Tourist Train scheme by owning or leasing railway coaches to organize theme-based tours.