Markets watchdog Sebi on Wednesday decided to renovate the grievance redressal system as part of efforts to strengthen the investor grievance redressal mechanism. In a meeting held here, the Sebi Board cleared various measures to enhance investor grievance redressal mechanism and link scores (SEBI Grievance Redressal System) with online dispute resolution mechanism. It also looks at reducing timelines, introducing auto-routing of complaint to the concerned regulated bodies and automatic escalation of complaints if the regulated body does not adhere to prescribed timelines. SEBI is a group of people who make rules for investments and takes certain decisions. If an investor is not happy with the solution provided by the company they invested in, they can ask another team to review it. And if they are not happy, SEBI will review that too. They said that they will also make a website that will give information about the market. To make it affordable, Sebi is changing some rules about the type of investment called Non-Convertible Debt Securities. These changes will begin in January 2024. They also made a rule that companies that already have this type of investment must list any new ones on the stock market. But certain types of investments are not required to follow these new rules.
SEBI to renovate grievance redressal system.
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