To accommodate the increased number of passengers during Ganesh Nimarjanam, South Central Railway will operate eight special MMTS trains in Hyderabad. These trains will run on the night of September 28 and 29.
On September 28, there will be two trains: Hyderabad to Lingampally (GHL-5) and Secunderabad to Hyderabad (GSH-1). On September 29, there will be six trains: Lingampally to Falaknuma (GLF-6), Hyderabad to Lingampally (GHL-2), Lingampally to Hyderabad (GLH-3), Falaknuma to Secunderabad (GFS-7), Hyderabad to Secunderabad (GHS-4), and Secunderabad to Hyderabad (GSH-8). These trains will be operational from 11 pm on September 28 to 4 am on September 29.