Hyderabad: South Central Railway (SCR) General Manager Arun Kumar Jain inspected the Secunderabad-Lingampally MMTS train services on Thursday. During the inspection, Jain and senior railway officers rode on Train No 47160 MMTS service from Secunderabad to Lingampally and talked to passengers to get their feedback and suggestions for further improvement of the facilities.
Jain mentioned that the suggestions provided by passengers will be valuable in enhancing the MMTS services. Later, they conducted a detailed inspection of the Lingampally railway station, examining platforms, catering stalls, waiting halls, circulating area, booking offices, parking areas, and reviewing passenger amenities. They also looked into the ongoing developmental works at the station as part of the upgradation process.
According to a senior officer from SCR, various improvements are being made at the railway station as part of the upgradation works.