A driver of a private school in Hyderabad has been sentenced to 20 years in jail for sexually assaulting a four-year-old student. The Fast Track Special Court for Rape and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) found Beemana Rajani Kumar guilty and awarded the sentence. However, the court acquitted the school principal, S Madhavi Rajani Kumar, who was arrested on October 19 last year for sexually assaulting the LKG student. The incident came to light after the parents of the victim noticed behavioral changes in her.
According to police, on 18 October, 2022, the Banjara Hills police received a complaint from the mother of the victim, stating that the accused, Beemana Rajani Kumar, had been sexually abusing her daughter for two months. The accused took the victim to the digital classroom and sexually abused her. The entire incident took place in the school, with the negligence of the principal, S Madhavi.
The police immediately registered a case and apprehended the accused within hours. The entire investigation was over in just 34 days, citing 19 witnesses. On Tuesday, the Fast Track Special Court for Rape & POCSO pronounced judgment against the accused. Beemana Rajani Kumar was convicted and sentenced to 20 years of rigorous imprisonment, with a fine of Rs 5000.
The incident triggered outrage, and the government constituted a committee to recommend measures to ensure safety and security of students in schools. The SHE teams &Bharosa team counselled the victim, comforted her and worked in tandem with other officers throughout the trial.
The City Police Commissioner C V Anand felicitated officers involved in the case for their exceptional work and dedication. The concerted efforts of all arms of the criminal justice system led to the conviction of the accused in record time.