Tourism Minister V Srinivas Goud, Panchayat Raj Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao, and Chief Whip D Vinay Bhaskar released a calendar of cultural events in Hanumakonda on Tuesday. The Department of Language and Culture, Telangana will host these events. The government decided to celebrate cultural programs in Hanumakonda and Mahabubnagar. The program will start with Mother’s Day on May 14th. The event will celebrate the love and sacrifices of mothers. Mothers of people who excelled in various fields like education, art, and sports will be honored on this day.
The calendar has several other events scheduled. The International Day of Families on May 15th will have a screening of Balagam movie in selected places. The Telangana Formation Day on June 2nd will have several cultural, literary, and social programs. A three-day drama festival is planned for July. Independence Day celebrations on August 15th and Folklore Arts Day on August 22nd will have folk arts festival. In September, a short film competition will be held as part of the Ganesh Navaratri Utsav. Awards ranging from Rs 25,000 to Rs 50,000 will be given to the best entries.
The Bathukamma and Dasara celebrations are planned from October 14th to 24th. Classical dances competitions are scheduled for November. The government will organize rural sports like marbles, Thokkudu Bill, and Chiragone for six months. Other sports will also be conducted. TSTDC Chairman Gellu Srinivas Yadav and KUDA Chairman S Sunder Raj Yadav were present at the event.