New Delhi: Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj held a meeting with nodal officers and medical superintendents of hospitals to discuss dengue prevention efforts in the city. Representatives from Delhi government hospitals, municipal corporation hospitals, Cantt area hospitals, and Central government hospitals attended the meeting. Bhardwaj inquired about the current dengue situation in each hospital.
According to officials, preparations to combat dengue are underway in most hospitals, and they seem to be well-prepared to handle dengue cases. However, no hospital has reported any emergency situations related to dengue so far. Officials stated that the current dengue situation in Delhi is normal.
As a precautionary measure, the Health Minister directed all hospital authorities to reserve 5% of current beds for dengue patients, similar to the reservation of beds for COVID-19 patients. This step aims to ensure proper care for dengue cases in case of future emergencies.
Bhardwaj also instructed hospitals to obtain test reports of patients with fever within six to eight hours of admission. This will enable prompt treatment if a patient is diagnosed with dengue fever, potentially saving lives and preventing further harm.
Additionally, all hospital authorities are required to post daily information about admitted dengue patients on the Health Department’s portal, similar to the reporting of daily COVID-19 data during the pandemic. This will help the government stay updated on the dengue situation in Delhi and develop effective plans to address any concerns.
The Health Minister also suggested setting up separate wards for dengue patients in hospitals to protect other patients from the risk of infection and ensure specialized treatment. He recommended placing mosquito nets around the beds of dengue patients to prevent the disease from spreading to others and support dengue control efforts.