Minister Satyavathi Rathod got Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao’s name tattooed on her arm. The tattoo shows her appreciation for KCR’s dedication to tribal welfare. She got the tattoo at the Tribal Culture Festival in Banjara Hills. The festival was part of the Telangana State Formation Decade celebrations. The event showcased the rich cultural heritage of the Adivasi and Banjara communities. Minister Rathore explored the photo exhibition, which showcased various products created by the talented tribal Banjaras.
At the festival, there was a tattoo booth where she asked to get KCR’s name tattooed on her arm. The managers warned her that it might be painful, but she insisted on getting it done. Rambai, the daughter-in-law of Vedma Rama, an associate of Komuram Bheem, skillfully executed the tattooing process. Minister Rathore emphasized the importance of preserving endangered tribal cultures and expressed her appreciation for Chief Minister KCR’s unwavering commitment to tribal welfare. She highlighted the numerous welfare schemes introduced under his leadership to promote the overall development of tribal communities.