The Telangana State BJP executive met on Monday and decided to fight against the ruling BRS with a slogan of “Caru, Saru and 60% Corruption Sarkaru”. This is in response to Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao’s statement that his MLAs and Ministers were taking a cut of 30% in the disbursal of the Dalit Bandhu Scheme (DBS). The BJP resolution criticized the BRS government for failing on all fronts and attempting to script a new drama by celebrating the decadal celebrations of the formation of Telangana state. The BJP appealed to people to vote for them to end corruption, dictatorship, and dynastic rule in Telangana.
The resolution demanded that the state government should procure wet paddy and pay compensation for crop losses. It also called for the waiving of crop loans worth Rs 1 lakh and ensuring that farmers get new loans by the ensuing kharif agriculture season. The BJP criticized Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao for neglecting farmers but giving slogans of Kisan Sarkar for national politics.
The resolution reiterated the party’s demand for an inquiry by a sitting high court judge, suspending the IT Minister, and disbursing Rs 1 lakh compensation to the unemployed who had written the Telangana State Public Service Commission examinations. The BJP also raised concerns about ill-treatment of government employees, including the detention of women government employees in police stations till midnight. The BJP pledged to continue fighting for government employees.