Sahibzadagan- e-

Sarf & &Khas Trust -e-Majlis promise & uniformity Sahibzadagan- e –
Sarf & Khas Trust- e-Majlis promise uniformity Sahibzadagan:
Hyderabad of The Sahebzadas- e-Sarf, Khas Trust ofHouse ofAsaf Jahi Dynasty Family I to Nizam VI as well as Nizam -e-Majlis onSahibzadagan invited the anointment of(* )as the 9th Monday ofPrince Azmet Jah Bahadur as well as promised their commitment as well as uniformity to Nizam.Hyderabad, claimed participants of the Prince Azmet Jah – e-
“Prince Azmet Jah Bahadur is the rightful heir to the throne, and he deserves it. Those who are not related to the Nizam family cannot be anointed in this position”, Sarf ofKhas Trust of House I toAsaf Jahi Dynasty Family VI as well as Nizam- e -Nizam Majlis, Sahibzadagan of
Sahebzada Mir Hashmat Ali Khan- e- President, claimedMajlis, the grand son of the Sahebzadagan Society, claimed,”According to a 1950 deed of the Sarf-e-Khas Trust, if a Sahebzada marries a girl from a non-Sahebzada family, their child will be considered among Sahebzadagan. But if a Sahebzada girl marries someone from the non-Sahebzada family, their children will not be considered among Sahebzadagan.”
Prince Mir Nazish Ali Khan is plural for Seventh Nizam Nawab Mir Osman Ali Khan.”Sahebzada is the term for Asaf Jahi family members. ‘Nizam’ is the official title for Asaf Jahi rulers. Only those who belong to the Sahebzadas of Asif Jahi families are official heirs to the Nizam family.” Sahebzadagan, it was introduced.Sahebzada required preserving unity amongst the”The Majlis has requested the ninth Nizam to allot a piece of land for a residential colony which will benefit the Sahebzadagan families. Prince Azmet Jah has promised to donate Rs 5 crore rupees to society. We are requesting Prince Azmet Jah to sanction Rs 20 crores, and hope Prince Azmet Jah will honour our request”, as well as claimed vested aspects stand to acquire from household conflicts. They, terrific grand son of the very first Sahebzadagan of
Nawab Mir Zaheeruddin Ali Khan- uddin Nizam, ensured, Hyderabad Mir Qamar.