Sanathnagar MLA candidate, Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav, is campaigning for votes by highlighting the development he has brought to the constituency. He recently conducted a door-to-door campaign in BJR Nagar 2 of Ameerpet Division, where he received a warm welcome from the women in each house. Voters assured him of their support and promised to vote for him.
The Minister also attended meetings organized by Sriniketan Apartment Residents and Leela Nagar Residents Welfare Association. He emphasized that significant development works have been carried out in the constituency since the formation of Telangana state. He criticized the previous representatives who did not focus on development and claimed that with the cooperation of Chief Minister KCR and Municipal Minister KTR, they have accomplished various development projects worth around 1400 crore rupees. He expressed pride in the progress made in all areas of the constituency.
Talasani’s goal is to turn Sanathnagar into a model constituency for development. He explained that development works are being carried out based on the needs of the people, with a focus on improving roads and drainage systems. He assured the residents that he will always be available to address their concerns and solve any problems they face.
The colony and apartment residents expressed their unanimous support for Talasani Srinivas Yadav, acknowledging him as a great leader who always stands by them and solves their problems.
The Minister was accompanied by several leaders and representatives during his campaign, including Namana Seshukumari, BRS division presidents Hanmantha Rao and Santhosh, Sriniketan apartment presidents Neeraja, Chandan, and Venugopal, and Leela Nagar representatives Sharma, Venkata Rajam, Ajay Agarwal, Surender Raj Purohit, Uttam Singh, Gulab Singh, Ashok, Yadav, Narsimha, Praveen Reddy, Surender Singh, Lalita Chauhan, Ananjeet Kaur, Basa Lakshmi, and others.