Two of India’s top wrestlers, Sakshi Malik and Satyawart Kadian, have released a video on Twitter to clarify that they are not fighting against the national government, but rather against the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) Chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. They are protesting against Singh’s alleged sexual assault of female wrestlers and his involvement in numerous scams while running the wrestling association. The wrestlers stated that false information is being spread about them and their objective is to communicate their truth.
Satyawart explained that Singh is the target of their clash and that 90% of those involved in wrestling are aware of the things being done to female wrestlers for the last 10 to 12 years. He also addressed accusations that their protest was politically motivated, stating that they have evidence to support their claims.
Sakshi elaborated on why the wrestlers had allegedly been subjected to sexual harassment, stating that they were not united and that there were minors among the victims. She also mentioned a case where a minor wrestler accused Singh of sexual harassment and filed a POCSO case against him, but later retracted her statement due to threats against her family.
In conclusion, the wrestlers thanked their supporters and emphasized the importance of taking a stand against injustice.