The managing director of the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation, VC Sajjanar, was touched by a viral video of a Tamil Nadu RTC driver getting emotional on his retirement day. The video shows the driver kissing the steering wheel of his bus, hugging it, and bursting into tears. Sajjanar shared the video on Twitter and praised the driver for his love for his job. He also highlighted how employees at RTC work with commitment and passion for their profession.
The incident has won the hearts of netizens and is a great example of how people can love their jobs and show dedication towards their work. The driver had been associated with his bus for 30 years, and the video shows his emotional attachment to it. Sajjanar’s tweet has helped spread the video further and highlighted the importance of valuing one’s profession. It is a reminder that showing love and dedication towards one’s job can be a source of inspiration for others.