Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy, an advisor to the Andhra Pradesh government, criticized the TDP-Jana Sena alliance’s list of candidates. He questioned Pawan Kalyan’s decision to contest only 24 seats and expressed sympathy for his unclear candidate choices.
Pointing out Pawan Kalyan’s past election defeats, Sajjala suggested sarcastically that Pawan should consider a vice-presidential position in the TDP. He also hinted that more TDP candidates might be selected for the remaining seats, implying Chandrababu Naidu’s influence in the decision-making process.
Sajjala urged Pawan’s supporters to reconsider their loyalty, criticizing Pawan for supporting Chandrababu Naidu without justification and questioning his leadership qualities. He raised doubts about Pawan’s strategy for the upcoming elections and his alliance with the TDP and BJP.
Despite the political developments, Sajjala expressed confidence in the YCP’s victory in the upcoming elections. His comments reflect the changing political landscape in Andhra Pradesh as the election season draws near.