Residents of Sainikpuri in Hyderabad came together on a Sunday morning to express their commitment to protecting the environment. They were determined to prevent commercial activities from encroaching on their green spaces.
People of all ages, from eight-year-olds to octogenarians, stood united as guardians and stewards of the trees that adorned their surroundings. They were upset about the cutting down of peepal trees in the Children’s park, which had provided shade and memories for generations. They were also disturbed by the destruction of greenery for the construction of an archery practice range.
Lalitha Ramdas, a resident, shared that her father was one of the first residents of Sainikpuri and had taken great care to plant large trees in the area. She expressed disappointment in the government’s neglect of planted trees.
Prominent members of society and armed forces personnel joined the protest. The residents informed the authorities, and a Forest Range Officer confirmed that tree branches had been trimmed without permission.
Medha Kohli, who organizes weekly reading sessions in parks, expressed her sadness at the ongoing construction activities in the park. She emphasized the importance of preserving green areas for the well-being of the residents and called for compensatory tree planting.
The residents demand that the parks should not be used for private purposes and stress the need for their continuous maintenance.