An eighth-grade boy from Telangana has created an innovative solution to prevent fatal accidents on the highways. The boy, Md Rayyan Nazeef, developed the Auto Lighting Mechanism to help road commuters travel safely. The Telangana State Innovation Cell (TSIC) recognized Nazeef’s innovation and has committed to funding and supporting his project.
Nazeef explained that the Auto Lighting Mechanism addresses the issue of accidents in culverts during the nighttime. These accidents are often caused by poor visibility due to blinding lights from oncoming vehicles. His machine, once installed in culverts, effectively prevents accidents by reducing the glare of lights from vehicles coming from the opposite direction.
The TSIC’s support is a significant step forward in improving road safety. They have not only acknowledged Nazeef’s project but also expressed their willingness to facilitate discussions with automobile industries once a functional prototype is ready. This collaboration will help refine and test the machine to ensure its effectiveness in real-world scenarios, making our roads safer for everyone.
In addition to Nazeef’s innovation, another student named M Navita Reddy from Bhadradri Kothagudem district has also been recognized for her unique invention called Route Alert Ambulance. This innovation aims to overcome delays faced by ambulances in heavy traffic situations. The Route Alert Ambulance sends signals to drivers ahead and clears a path for the ambulance to pass through without disrupting traffic. It also informs the hospital authorities about the arrival and nature of the patients, allowing them to make necessary arrangements for timely treatment.
Both Nazeef and Reddy’s innovations have the potential to save lives and improve road safety. Their recognition by the TSIC through the ‘Intinta Innovator’ program highlights the importance of supporting rural innovators and their contributions to society.