Sachin Tendulkar celebrated his 50th birthday early during a Mumbai Indians home IPL 2023 game against Punjab Kings on Saturday at the Wankhede Stadium. He cut a cake near the Mumbai Indians’ dugout during the second strategic break in the first innings. The Mumbai Indians franchise made arrangements to celebrate the occasion, and more than 30,000 fans at the Wankhede Stadium were provided with Tendulkar face masks.
The batting legend wore jersey No. 10 for India and Mumbai Indians, and after the 10th over of Punjab Kings’ innings, the stadium was reverberated with the familiar chant of ‘Sachin… Sachin’. Additionally, outside the Garware Pavilion, a large replica of Tendulkar’s No. 10 jersey was kept for fans to click photos.
While Sachin celebrated his birthday, his son Arjun was taken for cleaners by the Punjab Kings batters on the ground. The youngster’s 31-run over – including two sixes and four fours – became the second most by a Mumbai Indians bowler in the IPL. In the end, Punjab Kings posted 214/8 with skipper Sam Curran contributing with a half-century.
Sachin Tendulkar will be completing his half century in terms of his age on April 24.