A security officer at the residence of Telangana Education Minister P Sabitha Indra Reddy in Hyderabad shot himself dead on Sunday morning. The officer, identified as Mohammed Fazal Ali, was a Reserved Sub-Inspector of Police and served as the minister’s escort incharge. He used his own gun to take his own life near a hotel in Srinagar Colony in Ameerpet area.
According to Deputy Commissioner of Police Joel Davis, Fazal Ali arrived for duty at around 6 a.m. with his daughter. He then shot himself around 7 a.m. after speaking to his daughter about a personal matter. The body was taken to Osmania General Hospital for autopsy.
Preliminary investigation suggests that Fazal Ali committed suicide due to financial problems. The police have registered a case and are conducting further investigation.
Sabitha Indra Reddy’s security officer allegedly self-inflicts gunshot wound
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