Health Minister T Harish Rao launched the Ruthu Prema App in Siddipet, describing it as a significant step for women. He mentioned that Siddipet would serve as an example for the rest of the country in implementing the Ruthu Prema program, aimed at creating a clean Siddipet. The app was inaugurated with a traditional lamp lighting ceremony, attended by several dignitaries including MLC Raghotham Reddy, ZP chairperson Roja Sharma, Police Commissioner Shwetha, Additional Collector Garima Agarwal, and Municipal chairperson Manjula Rajamarsu.
Minister Rao announced that Rs.1.53 crore has been spent on providing menstrual sheets to 53,000 women. Additionally, 200 women are receiving free sewing training through Setwin, and 54 girl students with iron deficiency are being provided with nutrition kits. Laptops will also be arranged for 100 SC gurukul poor students, with plans to increase this number to 900.
Garima Agarwal stated that the Ruthu Prema program was launched in 2021 and has created awareness in all municipal wards and 91 gram panchayats, benefiting a total of 1.33 lakh individuals. As part of the program, 53,067 women have already received Ruthu Prema menstrual sheets.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by various people’s representatives, as well as DPO Devaki, BC corporation ED Saroja, and Setwin representative Ameena.