Russia’s elite 331st Guards Parachute Regiment, once known for their heroic combat in the Soviet-Afghanistan War, has suffered heavy casualties in the ongoing war with Ukraine. According to a BBC report, the regiment has lost 94 soldiers as of April 2023, up from 62 in July last year. The high toll has been a matter of discussion in Kostroma, a city 300 km northeast of Moscow, which was once popular for its heroism and campaigns in Moscow’s neighbourhood. Local reports claim that the Ukraine war has led to more fatalities than the entire Soviet-Afghan war, which lasted nine years and cost the lives of 56 soldiers in the city. The 331st Guards Parachute Regiment, regarded as ‘the best of the best’ in Russian armed forces, had high hopes of being the first when the Ukraine war began last year but represents the disintegration of Russia’s plan against Kyiv.
Russian Elite Forces Suffered More Casualties in Ukraine than in 9-Year Afghan War
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