Seva Bharathi Telangana organized the eighth edition of Run For A Girl Child 2024 at Hyderabad’s Gachibowli Stadium on Sunday. Telangana Governor Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan flagged off the run. Approximately 10,000 runners and their families participated in the event to support a good cause.
The run had three categories: 5km, 10km, and 21km. It started at the Gachibowli stadium, went through the University of Hyderabad, and ended back at the stadium. Around 1,000 girls from the Kishori Vikas program attended the event and showcased their cultural and self-defense skills.
Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan, Telangana Governor, highlighted the importance of initiatives that empower girl children, especially in disadvantaged areas. Seva Bharati Telangana General Secretary Ram Murthy and Treasurer Subramanyam were also present at the event.