Eleven Muslim girls were arrested at Secunderabad Railway Station based on a human trafficking complaint. However, the Railway Protection Force (RPF) Secunderabad Division has confirmed that the complaint was false. The person responsible for filing the complaint had done so without verifying any facts, misleading the public.
The arrested girls are residents of Hafez Baba Nagar, Santoshnagar, and Chandrayangutta. They were reportedly returning from attending a Valima function in Khammam district with 25 family members. Upon their return to Hyderabad on June 12, they were surrounded by officials from the GRP, RPF, and anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHT) as soon as they stepped out of the train at Secunderabad Railway Station. The officials also searched their bags.
Despite cooperating with the officials and producing valid train tickets and Aadhaar Cards, the girls were handed over to the Juvenile Welfare and Correctional Center in Amberpet. Amjed Ullah Khan, a spokesperson for the Majlis Bachao Tehreek (MBT), approached the concerned officials for the release of the girls. He assured the parents of legal action against the officials involved once the girls are released.
In response to Khan’s tweet on the incident, the RPF Secunderabad wrote, “Sir, matter informed to RPF/Secunderabad and GRP/Control/SC for necessary action, please.”