The Roshanara Club building in Delhi’s Shakti Nagar was sealed and seized by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) on Friday. The club was founded in 1922 and had a lease for 90 years, which expired in 2018. The club was given a six-month to one-year extension. According to Rajan Manchanda, general secretary of Roshanara Club, the High Court had issued a stay order until October 6. However, this morning, a large number of DDA employees arrived and sealed the club premises.
Rajan also stated that they have been in contact with the government of Housing and Urban Affairs to renew the lease, but the government has requested them to wait until a new policy is implemented. The Roshanara Club had two leases that were renewed every 30 years, one in 1922 and the other in 1928. Their previous lease had ended and they had communicated with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs in 2012 to extend its time period. They were granted a 6-month to 1-year extension, but it also came to an end in 2018.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs informed them that the government would create a policy and handle their case properly. Six months ago, they received a notice from DDA to vacate the premises, so they went to the High Court for protection. The lower court rejected their application, but they believe they have received a stay from the High Court until October 6. However, at 5:30 a.m., DDA officials arrived and sealed the club.
Meanwhile, Roshanara Club employees demonstrated against the DDA in front of the Roshanara Club building in Delhi and raised slogans.