Rohit Sharma, the captain of Mumbai Indians, wants to win the IPL 2023 trophy for his daughter Samaira. Mumbai Indians won their first match of the season against Delhi Capitals by six wickets. Rohit was named Player of the Match and also received trophies for longest six and most fours in the match. After the match, he made a video call to his wife Ritika Sajdeh and promised to get the trophy for their daughter. Mumbai Indians chased down Delhi Capitals’s score of 172 all out, with Rohit scoring 65 from 45 balls. Piyush Chawla was the most successful bowler for MI with figures of 3/22 while Jason Behrendorff took wickets.
Rohit Sharma, Mumbai Indians Captain, Shares His Determination to Win IPL Trophy 2023 for His Daughter Samaira – Video Included
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