A woman from the Republic of Burundi was arrested at an international airport in India for carrying over two kilograms of heroin. The drugs, worth approximately Rs 14.2 crore, were found in her luggage during a routine inspection by Customs officials. The woman, who had arrived from Nairobi, Kenya, on July 2, was identified based on passenger profiling. Upon examination of her baggage, it was discovered that several items, including traditional African dresses, a handbag, and soaps, were unusually heavy. Further inspection revealed concealed packets of heroin within these items. A total of 2,027 grams of heroin were seized. The woman has been detained under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act and is awaiting trial. Investigations are ongoing.
RGIA customs seize two kilograms of heroin valued at RS 14.2 crore
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