On Monday, a meeting was held at the BRKR Bhavan in Hyderabad to review the preparations for the unveiling of the 125-feet Ambedkar Statue on April 14. The meeting was attended by Minister for Scheduled Castes Development Koppula Eshwar, finance minister Harish Rao, roads and buildings minister Vemula Prashanth Reddy, agriculture minister Niranjan Reddy and backward class welfare minister Gangula Kamalakar.
The statue will be unveiled by Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao on the birth anniversary of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar. The officials were instructed to make proper seating arrangements for dignitaries and attendees from various districts. Water, buttermilk and sweets will be provided in sufficient quantities.
The police force was asked to issue a traffic advisory as Necklace Road will be closed for vehicular movement on Friday. The GHMC has been directed to maintain cleanliness in the surroundings. The R&B department will provide lighting, tents, chairs and flowers while the electricity department will ensure an uninterrupted power supply.
The health department has been instructed to keep ambulances ready. Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari stated that elaborate arrangements are being made in a grand and befitting manner. To stay updated on Hyderabad City News, Technology, Entertainment, Sports, Politics and Top Stories, subscribe to our channels on WhatsApp & Telegram or download our app for Android and iOS.