In Rangareddy, officials at mandal offices are busy reviewing applications for government-run schemes. People from different communities are coming to the offices to either apply for benefits or check the status of their pleas. In Bahadurpura mandal, officials are focused on reviewing applications for the ‘Shadi Mubarak’, ‘Kalyana Laxmi’, and ‘Gruha Lakshmi’ schemes. Meanwhile, in Rajendranagar mandal, officials are also endorsing pleas for these schemes.
Revenue officials have received instructions from higher-ups to clear pending applications. Anxious individuals are waiting in lines to submit their applications or find out the status of their pleas. Many people are also trying to find their names on the list of beneficiaries for double bedroom houses.
Officials are conducting field visits to applicants’ houses to identify eligible candidates. The MRO office in Bahadurpura has a dedicated team searching for applicants in their respective areas before approving their applications. However, some applicants cannot be located because their houses are inaccessible or they do not have proper contact information.
The office has organized a special drive to clear pending files and aims to complete the task within a week. The Bahadurpura MRO is leading in Hyderabad district for receiving applications under the Shadi Mubarak and Kalyana Lakshmi schemes, which provide financial assistance of Rs.1,00,116 to support poor parents in solemnizing their daughters’ marriages. In Ranga Reddy district, the Rajendranagar mandal receives 20-25 applications daily for these schemes.
Both Bahadurpura and Rajendranagar mandals have densely populated slum areas that are home to many below the poverty line.