Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy requested the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) to build a high-speed expressway connecting the Bandar port (Machilipatnam) with a new dry port in the State. He also asked NHAI to start work on a six-lane highway between Hyderabad and Vijayawada. NHAI officials met with Reddy at his residence to discuss the issues they were facing in constructing roads in the State, such as land acquisition.
In response, Reddy called for a high-level meeting at the Secretariat the next day. District collectors and Forest Department officials will attend to resolve the problems raised by NHAI. The State government assured its full cooperation in building national highways and removing any obstacles to develop the NH network in the State.
Reddy also asked NHAI to help with the construction of the Regional Ring Road (RRR), which is a major project of the government. The RRR will have twelve radial roads between the Outer Ring Road and RRR, with clusters and satellite townships planned in between. Reddy had previously requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to include the RRR in the Bharat Mala project.
NHAI informed Reddy about challenges in land acquisition for various highway projects, including NH 163G, NH 63, NH 563, and NH 44. They also mentioned issues with power generation companies and police security during construction of certain roads.