Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy has announced that the Nandi Awards will be replaced by the Gaddar Awards in recognition of excellence in Telugu cinema, theatre, and television. The decision is part of the Telangana government’s initiative to honor the revolutionary singer Gaddar, who passed away last year. The Chief Minister made the announcement during the official Gaddar Jayanti celebrations at Ravindra Bharathi.
Gaddar is considered a legend and brand ambassador of Telangana, known for his advocacy for the poor and oppressed. Previously, the Telugu film industry in United Andhra Pradesh received Nandi Awards every year on Ugadi. However, these awards were discontinued in 2014 after the partition of Andhra Pradesh and the formation of Telangana State.
To coincide with Gaddar Jayanti, the Gaddar Awards will be presented on January 31. This decision was made by the current administration led by Chief Minister Revanth Reddy.