Revanth Reddy, the leader of the Congress party in Telangana, has made comments accusing Chinna Reddy, the President of the TPCC, of engaging in anti-Telangana activities even before the formation of the state. There are allegations that Chinna Reddy has conspired against Telangana from the time of his association with Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy’s padayatra, which was allegedly orchestrated by the Simon Commission. It is speculated that Chinna Reddy joined the Congress party only to become a minister in the Y.S. cabinet.
Chinna Reddy has been accused of betraying Telangana by indulging in anti-Telangana activities for the sake of a ministerial position. Revanth Reddy has repeatedly brought up this issue, but Chinna Reddy’s associates are showing no concern about revisiting these matters. There are speculations that Revanth Reddy’s anger is fueled by the fact that Chinna Reddy, who is currently the Chairman of the TPCC Education Committee, has not been suspended from the party against whom he has raised objections.
The article continues in the next paragraphs.