TPCC chief Revanth Reddy once again criticized the ruling BRS government, saying that Kaleshwaram has sunk and dark days for Hyderabad have started. He expressed his dissatisfaction with the waterlogging on the roads and severe traffic disruption caused by the rain in Hyderabad on Twitter. He referred to the rainy season as a nightmare for commuters, even during the winter season.
Revanth Reddy mentioned how the government has spent crores on campaigns, but even a drop of rain causes tremors and leads to situations where lives are lost due to open manholes. He questioned whether this is the result of spending thousands of crores of rupees and collecting money in the name of commissions. Revanth Reddy emphasized the need for change and stated that Congress should come into power.
Photos related to the traffic and standing water on the roads were added to his tweet after the rain in Hyderabad.