Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy congratulated Bandi Sanjay, Kishan Reddy, Rammohan Naidu, and Pemmasani Bhupathiraju Srinivas Varma for becoming Union Cabinet Ministers in the recent government formation. He urged them to focus on implementing the Bifurcation Act and ensuring funds are released from the Center for projects in Telugu states.
The swearing-in ceremony, held on Sunday evening, included Narendra Modi taking oath as Prime Minister for the third time. A total of 71 Union Ministers were sworn in, with 30 as Cabinet Ministers, five as independent ministers, and 36 as Ministers for states.
CM Revanth Reddy is hopeful for collaboration between the Center and Telangana to drive development in the region. He stressed the importance of project implementation and timely fund release for the betterment of Telugu states.