Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy will be going to Delhi on Thursday to attend an important Congress Working Committee meeting. This meeting will have the party high command, chief ministers, and key leaders from Congress-ruled states in attendance. The main focus of the meeting will be the upcoming 2024 general elections, where they will discuss parliamentary elections and strategies to be implemented. They will also review the results of the recently held state elections.
During the meeting, they will discuss the allocation of MP seats and potential alliances for the parliamentary elections. The CWC meeting will take place at the AICC office at 3 pm. Revanth Reddy, who won the Congress party in Telangana, will be an important figure in this gathering.
In addition to Chief Minister Revanth, Telangana’s state affairs in-charge Manik Rao Thakre, Minister Damodara Rajanarsimha, and AICC secretary Vamsichand Reddy will also participate in the CWC meeting. Revanth Reddy had initially planned to hold a conference with the District Collectors on Thursday, but it was postponed due to his visit to Delhi.
Revanth Reddy, CM, set to attend CWC meeting in Delhi today
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