During a press conference at Gandhi Bhavan on Monday, TPCC president Revanth Reddy referred to Chief Minister KCR as a “dangerous” figure for Telangana. He went on to say that KCR is equivalent to 100 Dawood Ibrahims and alleged that KCR has made hundreds of crores of rupees through land grabbing and malpractices, with a total of Rs 1 lakh crore. Reddy also stated that Congress would not form an electoral understanding with KCR and criticized his interest in leading the opposition alliance at the national level. Reddy accused KCR of trying to destabilize Congress and give hundreds of crores of rupees to former Chief Minister Kumaraswamy for the Karnataka elections. Reddy questioned the source of KCR’s funds and alleged that he was involved in land grabbing in the state, distributing land among supporters. Reddy also mentioned the owner of Heathrow Company’s involvement in illegal activities with KCR, whose house was raided by the CBI and ED, with Rs 142 crore found in I-T raids. Reddy promised to write a letter to the CBI regarding the land grabbing case and make public the transactions on the allotment of land to Yashodha Hospitals on Tuesday.
Revanth Reddy claims that KCR is equivalent to 100 Dawood Ibrahim
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