Revanth Reddy, the Chief Minister of Telangana, promised to protect and develop Waqf properties in the state. He made this commitment during a meeting with a delegation led by Advisor to Governor Mohammed Ali Shabbir on Sunday evening at his residence in Jubilee Hills.
The delegation included various members of the Waqf Board and Hyderabad DCC President Sameer Waliullah. After the meeting, Shabbir Ali informed the media that the CM had instructed the Waqf Board to conduct a detailed study of the issues concerning Waqf properties. This study should identify all problems and propose possible solutions, involving officials from relevant departments like Revenue and Finance.
The CM assured that once the Waqf Board completed its analysis, a comprehensive meeting with officials from all necessary departments would be called to resolve the identified issues promptly. Revanth Reddy is committed to protecting and developing Waqf properties without delay or obstacles, unlike previous administrations.
The Congress government under Revanth Reddy’s leadership is dedicated to empowering minorities and ensuring justice for them. The Waqf Board will receive necessary powers, support, and funding as outlined in the Congress manifesto. Despite political differences, Revanth Reddy approved development funds for the MIM party and is focused on practical solutions to existing problems.
Shabbir Ali announced plans to convene a meeting with top officials in the Secretariat to follow up on the CM’s directives regarding Waqf properties. Revanth Reddy has emphasized the importance of protecting Waqf lands, noting their significant decrease since Telangana’s formation. He has pledged to create new laws for their protection, setting an example for national adoption after Congress takes power at the Centre in 2024.