Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has accused the ruling Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) of a major corruption scandal. He claims the scandal involves the distribution of sheep and Bathukamma sarees. Reddy’s allegations targeted the past BRS government, accusing them of financial mismanagement and malpractice.
During his speech, Reddy highlighted issues in financial reporting. He specifically criticized former Minister Harish Rao for not disclosing sales figures while discussing debt levels. Reddy pointed out the controversial sale of Outer Ring Road (ORR) projects. He stated that assets worth lakhs of crores were sold for just Rs. 7 crore.
Reddy also criticized delays in completing several projects in the Palamuru district over the last decade. He alleged that significant plots of land in the Rangareddy district were sold under KCR’s rule. This raised concerns about transparency and accountability in the government.
Reddy questioned the administration’s integrity, asking, “Are you ready to investigate the distribution of Bathukamma sarees and sheep?” He mentioned that the Bathukamma sarees were sourced from Surat and distributed in bulk, implying further irregularities.
Reddy’s serious allegations have put the BRS government under scrutiny, calling for answers and transparency.