Hyderabad: Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy recently attended a meeting with Telangana NRIs in London. During the meeting, he made some strong comments against the opposition BRS party and its leader K Chandrashekahr Rao. Revanth stated that the Congress party is determined to defeat the BRS party in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections and is willing to go to great lengths to ensure their victory.
Revanth also responded to comments made by BRS leaders about KCR, stating that the Congress party is eagerly waiting for him to come out and is prepared to capture him. He criticized the BRS party for being unable to accept the good work done by the government since coming into power.
The Chief Minister highlighted that while the BRS party questions the implementation of certain guarantees, they conveniently forget that two schemes have already been launched. He emphasized that his government’s focus is on good governance and coordination among all sections of society.
Revanth also mentioned plans to rejuvenate the Musi river in Hyderabad, similar to the transformation of the River Thames in London. He encouraged Telugu industrialists and businessmen to invest in Telangana, as the government is supportive of both people and investors.