Hyderabad’s Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy is expected to make important announcements in the coming days. These announcements will include updates on government job recruitment, the implementation of Rythu Bharosa (a welfare scheme for farmers), measures to combat the drug problem, and the release of funds for ongoing welfare schemes.
During a meeting on Monday, the Chief Minister focused on agricultural policies such as paddy procurement, the Rythu Bandhu scheme, and the supply of seeds and fertilizers to farmers. Officials discussed the challenges they face in implementing Rythu Bandhu due to financial constraints. The Chief Minister requested details on beneficiaries and funding requirements so that a plan can be prepared in advance to support farmers.
Criticism has been received from the public regarding the government providing benefits to big farmers, leading to speculation about potential changes to the scheme.
The Chief Minister has directed the Telangana State Public Service Commission to create a plan for filling job vacancies in a timely manner. This is a priority for the Chief Minister as the youth supported Congress in the elections. The Service Commission officials will meet with the Chief Minister to finalize a schedule for job notifications.
The state government will also take firm action against the growing drug problem. The Chief Minister inquired about pending drug cases involving actors from Tollywood and some political leaders. As an opposition leader, Revanth previously fought against the Telangana government on drug abuse cases in court and successfully obtained orders for speedy disposal of these cases.