BRS working president, KT Rama Rao, criticized Congress MP Rahul Gandhi and CM Revanth Reddy for deceiving and insulting the unemployed and students. At a meeting with BRSV leaders, Rao accused Reddy and Rahul of deceiving and insulting unemployed youth and students. He said that Reddy should apologize for his actions and comments towards students and the unemployed.
Rao demanded, “Revanth should apologize to students and unemployed youth for insulting them with derogatory comments in the Mahbubnagar meeting.” He pointed out that while in opposition, Revanth promised a mega DSC with 50,000 jobs but has only offered around 6,000 additional posts since coming to power.
KTR accused Rahul of exploiting students for political gain, stating that he used students for power. He criticized the Congress for using the unemployed as election tools and failing to deliver on promises of job creation. Rao also accused Reddy of having an autocratic mentality, being intolerant even of social media posts.
Referring to police attacks on journalists and students, Rao questioned whether attacking people is Praja Palana or Indiramma Rajyam that Congress promised to bring. He warned that the names of police involved in attacks on youth are being recorded by students and will be held accountable.