Rama Krishna Puram (RK Puram) Lake, also known as Mukidigan Cheruvu, is facing degradation due to trash dumping in the area. Locals are concerned about the shrinking lake, with very little water left. They blame the GHMC and Irrigation department for not maintaining the lake and urge them to at least fence it.
The lake, which used to span over 100 acres during the Nizam era, has now shrunk to 30 acres. Developmental works were sanctioned two years ago under Mission Kakatiya Phase IV, but only 30% of the works were completed. The remaining works are pending due to lack of labor and funds, turning the lake area into a dump yard and causing mosquito problems.
Locals in RK Puram point out that a road built through the lake earlier damaged half of it, cutting off water flow. Trash dumping is further destroying the lake, with no action taken by officials to clean it up. Residents want the lake to be fenced until development works begin.
Social activist Robin Zaccheus, a local resident, expresses disappointment in GHMC officials for not making progress on enhancing the lake despite promises. Residents are skeptical about whether the planned improvements will ever happen, as complaints have gone unanswered.